Predicate: xahala

xahala: Created by Richa

Roleset id: xahala.01 , To shake / tremble

xahala.01: Intransitive (Unaccusative based on the sole inanimate argument)


        Arg1: The entity that is shaken / trembles

Example: Intransitive_unaccusative (To shake / tremble)
        भूकंप के दो झटके से [दहल] [गया] तिब्बत

        Argm-cau: भूकंप के दो झटके से (drel: rh)
        Rel: [दहल] [गया]
        Arg1: तिब्बत (drel: k1)

Predicate: xahalA

xahalA: Created by Richa

Roleset id: xahala.02 , To make someone tremble / shake with fear

xahala.02: Transitive


        Arg0: The one who makes someone tremble / shake with fear
        Arg1: The entity (animate/inanimate) that gets trembles / shaken with fear

Example: Transitive (To make someone tremble / shake with fear)
        पाकिस्तान को आतंकवादियों ने एक बार फिर [दहला] [दिया] है

        Arg1: पाकिस्तान को (drel: k2)
        Arg0: आतंकवादियों ने (drel: k1)
        Argm-mnr: एक बार फिर (drel: adv)
        Rel: [दहला] [दिया] है