Predicate: ukasa
ukasa: Created by Richa
Roleset id: ukasa.01 , To be stirred/roused
ukasa.01: Intransitive (Unaccusative based on the passivization and LV selection diagnostics)
        Arg1: The one who gets stirred/roused
Example: Intransitive_Unaccusative (To be stirred/roused)
        मैं [उकस] [गया]
        Arg1: मैं (drel: k1)
        Rel: [उकस] [गया]
Roleset id: ukasa.02 , To be above the normal/usual level
ukasa.02: Intransitive (Unaccusative based on the passivization, LV selection and perfective participle as reduded relative relative diagnostics)
        Arg1: The entity that gets above the normal/usual level
Example: Intransitive_Unaccusative (To be above the normal/usual level)
        [उकस] [जाएँगी] हड्डियाँ
        Rel: [उकस] [जाएँगी]
        Arg1: हड्डियाँ (drel: k1)
Predicate: ukasA
ukasA: Created by Richa
Roleset id: ukasa.03 , To stir up/rouse someone
ukasa.03: Monotransitive
        Arg0: The one who stirs up/rouses someone
        Arg1: The one that gets stirred up/roused
Example: Monotransitive (To stir up/rouse someone)
        सायमंड्स ने ही हरभजन को उकसाया था
        Arg0: सायमंड्स ने ही (drel: k1)
        Arg1: हरभजन को (drel: k2)
        Rel: उकसाया था