Predicate: basa
basa: created by Archna Bhatia
Roleset id: basa.01 , to be populated
basa.01: Intransitive- sense1_HindiWN- Unaccusative (with inanimate subjects- based on transitivity alternation without entailing animacy of the single argument, impersonal passives, possibility of active syntax with past participial relatives, and possibility of inanimate nonspecific subject without overt Genitive)
        Arg1: the one that gets populated
Example: Intransitive- sense1_HindiWN- (to be populated)- Unaccusative (with inanimate subjects- based on transitivity alternation without entailing animacy of the single argument, impersonal passives, possibility of active syntax with past participial relatives, and possibility of inanimate nonspecific subject without overt Genitive)
        यह वीरान भूमि कब [बस] [गई]
        Arg1: यह वीरान भूमि (drel: k1)
        Argm-tmp: कब (drel: k7t)
        Rel: [बस] [गई]
Roleset id: basa.02 , to be established, populated
basa.02: Intransitive- sense4_HindiWN- Unaccusative (with inanimate subjects- based on transitivity alternation without entailing animacy of the single argument, impersonal passives, possibility of active syntax with past participial relatives, and possibility of inanimate nonspecific subject without overt Genitive)
        Arg1: the one that is established, populated
        Arg2-loc: the place where something is established, populated
Example: Intransitive- sense4_HindiWN- (to be established, populated)- Unaccusative (with inanimate subjects- based on transitivity alternation without entailing animacy of the single argument, impersonal passives, possibility of active syntax with past participial relatives, and possibility of inanimate nonspecific subject without overt Genitive)
        यह नगर गंगा किनारे बसा हुआ है
        Arg1: यह नगर (drel: k1)
        Arg2-loc: गंगा किनारे (drel: k7p)
        Rel: बसा हुआ है
Roleset id: basa.03 , to settle or locate/ to stay or dwell
basa.03: Intransitive- sense2_HindiWN/ sense3_HindiWN- Unergative (for animate subjects- based on possibility of ergative case on the subject, transitivity alternation entailing animacy of teh subject, possibility of impersonal passives)
        Arg0: the one who settles or locates/ the one who stays or dwells
        Arg2-loc: the place where one settles or locates/ the place where one stays or dwells
Example: Intransitive- sense2_HindiWN- (to settle or locate)- Unergative (for animate subjects- based on possibility of ergative case on the subject, transitivity alternation entailing animacy of teh subject, possibility of impersonal passives)
        मेरा देवर अमेरिका में ही [बस] [गया]
        Arg0: मेरा देवर (drel: k1)
        Arg2-loc: अमेरिका में ही (drel: k7p)
        Rel: [बस] [गया]
Example: Intransitive- sense3_HindiWN- (to stay or dwell)- Unergative (for animate subjects- based on possibility of ergative case on the subject, transitivity alternation entailing animacy of the subject, possibility of impersonal passives)
        कई महीने से वह यहीं बसा है
        Argm-tmp: कई महीने से (drel: k7t)
        Arg0: वह (drel: k1)
        Arg2-loc: यहीं (drel: k7p)
        Rel: बसा है
Predicate: basA
basA: created by Archna Bhatia
Roleset id: basa.04 , to populate
basa.04: Monotransitive- sense1_HindiWN
        Arg0: the one who makes someplace populated
        Arg1: the place that is populated
        Arg2-sou: the people who are established at a place so that teh place is populated
Example: Monotransitive- sense1_HindiWN (to populate)
        अक़बर ने फतेहपुर सिकरी को बसाया था
        Arg0: अक़बर ने (drel: k1)
        Arg1: फतेहपुर सिकरी को (drel: k2)
        Rel: बसाया था
Roleset id: basa.05 , to establish someone somewhere, to help someone settle somewhere
basa.05: Monotransitive- sense1_HindiWN
        Arg0: the one who establishes or helps settle someone somewhere
        Arg1: the one who is established or helped to settle
        Arg2-loc: the place where someone is established or helped to settle
Example: Monotransitive- sense1_HindiWN (to establish someone somewhere, to help someone settle somewhere)
        मुखिया ने अनाथ रणजीत को गाँव में बसाया
        Arg0: मुखिया ने (drel: k1)
        Arg1: अनाथ रणजीत को (drel: k2)
        Arg2-loc: गाँव में (drel: k7p)
        Rel: बसाया