Predicate: ata

ata: created by Archna Bhatia

Roleset id: ata.01 , to be contained

ata.01: Intransitive- sense2_HindiWN- Unaccusative (based on transitivity alternation without entailing animacy of the single argument)


        Arg2-loc: the container in which something is contained
        Arg1: the one that is contained

Example: Intransitive- sense2_HindiWN- (to be contained)- Unaccusative (based on transitivity alternation without entailing animacy of the single argument) example modified
        इस डिब्बे में सात किलो आटा अटता है

        Arg2-loc: इस डिब्बे में (drel: k7p)
        Arg1: सात किलो आटा (drel: k1)
        Rel: अटता है

Example: Intransitive- sense2_HindiWN- (to be contained)- Unaccusative (based on transitivity alternation without entailing animacy of the single argument)
        काला धन स्विस लोक्कर में अटता

        Arg1: काला धन (drel: k1)
        Arg2-loc: स्विस लोक्कर में (drel: k7p)
        Rel: अटता

Predicate: atA

atA: created by Archna Bhatia

Roleset id: ata.02 , to put something in some container

ata.02: Monotransitive- sense1_HindiWN


        Arg0: the one who puts something in some container
        Arg2-loc: the container in which something is put
        Arg1: the thing that is put in some container

Example: Monotransitive- sense1_HindiWN (to put something in some container) example modified
        सीमा आटे को डिब्बे में ठोंक-ठोंक कर अटा रही है

        Arg0: सीमा (drel: k1)
        Arg1: आटे को (drel: k2)
        Arg2-loc: डिब्बे में (drel: k7p)
        Argm-mnr: ठोंक-ठोंक कर (drel: adv)
        Rel: अटा रही है

Predicate: atavA

atavA: created by Archna Bhatia

Roleset id: ata.03 , to make someone put something in some container

ata.03: Causative- sense2_HindiWN


        Argc: the causer- the one who makes someone put something in some container
        Arga: the agent- the one who puts something in some container
        Arg2-loc: the container in which something is put
        Arg1: the thing that is put in some container

Example: Causative- sense2_HindiWN (to make someone put something in some container) example modified
        किसान अपनी पत्नी से बोरी में धान अटवा रहा है

        Argc: किसान (drel: pk1)
        Arga: अपनी पत्नी से (drel: jk1)
        Arg2-loc: बोरी में (drel: k7p)
        Arg1: धान (drel: k2)
        Rel: अटवा रहा है