Predicate: Pataka
Pataka: created by Archna Bhatia
Roleset id: Pataka.01 , to winnow/ to clean clothes by throwing them loudly, to throw something loudly
Pataka.01: Monotransitive- sense2_HindiWN/ sense1_HindiWN
        Arg0: the one who winnows/ the one who cleans clothes throwing them loudly, the one who throws something loudly
        Arg1: the thing that is winnowed/ the clothes that are being cleaned, the thing that is being thrown loudly
Example: Monotransitive- sense2_HindiWN (to winnow)
        गेहूँ को पिसाने से पहले फटकते हैं
        Arg1: गेहूँ को (drel: k2)
        Argm-tmp: पिसाने से पहले (drel: k7t)
        Rel: फटकते हैं
Example: Monotransitive- sense1_HindiWN (to clean clothes by throwing them loudly, to throw something loudly) example modified
        सीता चादर फटक रही है
        Arg0: सीता (drel: k1)
        Arg1: चादर (drel: k2)
        Rel: फटक रही है
Predicate: PatakA
PatakA: created by Archna Bhatia
Roleset id: Pataka.02 , to make someone winnow
Pataka.02: Causative- sense1_HindiWN
        Argc: the causer- the one who makes someone winnow
        Arga: the agent- the one who winnows something
        Arg1: the thing that someone winnows
Example: Causative- sense1_HindiWN (to make someone winnow)फटकाना
        उसने पड़ोसी से चावल फटकाया
        Argc: उसने (drel: pk1)
        Arga: पड़ोसी से (drel: jk1)
        Arg1: चावल (drel: k2)
        Rel: फटकाया
Predicate: PatakavA
PatakavA: created by Archna Bhatia
Roleset id: Pataka.03 , to make someone winnow
Pataka.03: Causative- sense1_HindiWN
        Argc: the causer- the one who makes someone winnow
        Arga: the agent- the one who winnows something
        Arg1: the thing that someone winnows
Example: Causative- sense1_HindiWN (to make someone winnow)फटकाना example modified
        उसने पड़ोसी से चावल फटकवाया
        Argc: उसने (drel: pk1)
        Arga: पड़ोसी से (drel: jk1)
        Arg1: चावल (drel: k2)
        Rel: फटकवाया