Predicate: Koxa

Koxa: Created by Richa

Roleset id: Koxa.01 , To dig / to burrow

Koxa.01: Monotransitive


        Arg0: The digger
        Arg1: The entity that undergoes digging

Example: Monotransitive (To dig / to burrow) › Madhya Pradesh
        किसने खोदा सरकारी कुआं

        Arg0: किसने (drel: k1)
        Rel: खोदा
        Arg1: सरकारी कुआं (drel: k2)

Predicate: Kuxa

Kuxa: Created by Richa

Roleset id: Koxa.02 , To get digged

Koxa.02: Intransitive (unaccusative based on the sole inanimate argument)


        Arg1: The entity that gets digged

Example: Intransitive_Uanccusative (to get digged)
        मनरेगा की कपिल धारा योजना का कुआं खुद रहा था

        Arg1: मनरेगा की कपिल धारा योजना का कुआं (drel: k1)
        Rel: खुद रहा था

Predicate: KuxavA

KuxavA: Created by Richa

Roleset id: Koxa.03 , To get something digged by somebody

Koxa.03: Causative


        Argc: The one who is main causer of the action of digging
        Arga: The one who is the intermediary in digging
        Arg1: The entity that gets digged

Example: Causative (to get something digged by somebody)

        किसने किससे खुदवाया सरकारी कुआं

        Argc: किसने (drel: pk1)
        Arga: किससे (drel: mk1)
        Rel: खुदवाया
        Arg1: सरकारी कुआं (drel: k2)