Predicate: Cupa
Cupa: created by Archna Bhatia
Roleset id: Cupa.01 , to hide (to avoid being visible)/ to disappear
Cupa.01: Intransitive- sense1_HindiWN/ sense2_HindiWN (usually with animate subject with voluntary control)
        Arg0: the one who hides someplace/ disappears
        Arg2-loc: the place where someone hides/ disappears
Example: Intransitive- sense1_HindiWN/ sense2_HindiWN (with animate subject with voluntary control)- to hide/ disappear
        example 1 from Cupa.task in hindi.110509.frame-creator, a subset of our corpus
        अमरदीप खुद को हमलावरों से बचाते हुए घर की छत पर बने एक कमरे में [छुप] [गया]
        Arg0: अमरदीप (drel: k1)
        Argm-mnr: खुद को हमलावरों से बचाते हुए (drel: vmod)
        Arg2-loc: घर की छत पर बने एक कमरे में (drel: k7p)
        Rel: [छुप] [गया]
Example: Intransitive- sense1_HindiWN/ sense2_HindiWN (with animate subject with voluntary control)
        गाड़ी की रौशनी देख कर हम छुप जाते थे
        Argm-tmp: गाड़ी की रौशनी देख कर (drel: vmod)
        Arg0: हम (drel: k1)
        Rel: छुप जाते थे
Roleset id: Cupa.02 , to disappear
Cupa.02: Intransitive- sense2_HindiWN (with an inanimate subject or animate subject but without any voluntary control)
        Arg1: the one who disappears
        Arg2-loc: the place where one disappears
Example: Intransitive- sense2_HindiWN (with an inanimate subject or animate subject but without any voluntary control)- to disappear example modified
        सूर्य बादल में [छुप] [गया]
        Arg1: सूर्य (drel: k1)
        Arg2-loc: बादल में (drel: k7p)
        Rel: [छुप] [गया]
Predicate: CupA
CupA: created by Archna Bhatia
Roleset id: Cupa.03 , to hide something or someone at someplace
Cupa.03: Transitive- sense1_HindiWN
        Arg0: the one who hides someone or something (the hider)
        Arg1: the one hidden
        Arg2-loc: the place where one is hidden
Example: Transitive- sense1_HindiWN (to hide someone or something)
        सुखदेवनगर थाना के मुंशी ने चोरी की बाइक छुपायी
        Arg0: सुखदेवनगर थाना के मुंशी ने (drel: k1)
        Arg1: चोरी की बाइक (drel: k2)
        Rel: छुपायी
Example: TRansitive- sense1_HindiWN (to hide someone or something at somplace)
        जहां बाघिन ने अपने बच्चों को छुपाया था
        Arg2-loc: जहां (drel: k7p)
        Arg0: बाघिन ने (drel: k1)
        Arg1: अपने बच्चों को (drel: k2)
        Rel: छुपाया था
Roleset id: Cupa.04 , to cover something from someone (to hide from view or knowledge)
Cupa.04: Transitive- sense2_HindiWN
        Arg0: the hider- the one who covers something
        Arg1: the thing that is covered
        Arg2-sou: the one from whom something is hidden or covered
Example: Transitive- sense2_HindiWN (to hide or cover something from someone)
        example 0 in CupA.task in hindi.110509.frame-creator, a subset of our corpus
        अब वाजपेयी अपनी नाकामी छुपा रहे हैं
        Argm-tmp: अब (drel: k7t)
        Arg0: वाजपेयी (drel: k1)
        Arg1: अपनी नाकामी (drel: k2)
        Rel: छुपा रहे हैं
Example: Transitive- sense2_HindiWN (to hide or cover something from someone) example modified
        तुमने यह बात सबसे क्यों छुपायी
        Arg0: तुमने (drel: k1)
        Arg1: यह बात (drel: k2)
        Arg2-sou: सबसे (drel: k5)
        Argm-cau: क्यों (drel: rh)
        Rel: छुपायी