Predicate: Cana.01
Cana.01: Created by Richa
Roleset id: Cana.01.01 , To get deep fried
Cana.01.01: Intransitive (unaccusative based on inanimate argument)
        Arg1: The entity that gets deep fried
Example: Intransitive (To get deep fried ) unacuusative
        आज तो घर में गरम-गरम पूड़ियाँ छन रही हैं
        Argm-adv: आज तो (drel: k7t)
        Argm-loc: घर में (drel: k7p)
        Arg1: गरम-गरम पूड़ियाँ (drel: k1)
        Rel: छन रही हैं
Predicate: Cana.02
Cana.02: Created by Richa
Roleset id: Cana.01.02 , To get along well due to similarity of ideas or behaviour
Cana.01.02: Intransitive (unergative based on animate argument)
        What label should be given to the core argument? ARG0 -k1 does not seem to be suitable. Like ARGM_REC, we have to think of some label for the argument like "NP+NP" +PSP. Some new label must be introduced both for PB and DS.
        Arg0: Two or more persons who get along well
Example: Intransitive- Unergative (To get along well due to similarity of ideas or behaviour)
        What should be the corresponding DS label for ARGM_REC "आपस में". Morever, intensifier like "खूब" in the example below has to be in the relation itself. Some discussion is needed on this for the final decision.
        दीपिका पादुकोण और लारा दत्ता की आपस में खूब छन रही है
        Arg0: दीपिका पादुकोण और लारा दत्ता की (drel: k1)
        Argm-rec: आपस में
        Rel: खूब छन रही है
Predicate: Cana.03
Cana.03: Created by Richa
Roleset id: Cana.01.03 , To get sieved or strained
Cana.01.03: Intransitive (unaccusative based on inanimate argument)
        Arg1: The entity that is sieved or strained
Example: Intransitive_unaccusative (To get sieved or strained)
        होली के दिन जगह-जगह भाँग छनती है
        Argm-tmp: होली के दिन (drel: k7t)
        Argm-loc: जगह-जगह (drel: k7p)
        Arg1: भाँग (drel: k1)
        Rel: छनती है
Predicate: CAna.01
CAna.01: Created by Richa
Roleset id: Cana.01.04 , To deep fry something
Cana.01.04: Monotransitive
        Arg0: The person who deep fries something
        Arg1: The entity that is fried
Example: Transitive (To deep fry something)
        माँ घर में गरम-गरम पूड़ियाँ छान रही हैं
        Arg0: माँ (drel: k1)
        Argm-loc: घर में (drel: k7p)
        Arg1: गरम-गरम पूड़ियाँ (drel: k2)
        Rel: छान रही हैं
Predicate: CAna.02
CAna.02: Created by Richa
Roleset id: Cana.01.05 , To sieve or to strain
Cana.01.05: Monotransitive
        Arg0: The person who sieves or strains something
        Arg1: The entity that is sieved or strained
Example: Monotransitive (To sieve or to strain)
        माँ होली के दिन भाँग छानती हैं
        Arg0: माँ
        Argm-tmp: होली के दिन (drel: k7t)
        Arg1: भाँग (drel: k2)
        Rel: छानती हैं
Predicate: CanavA.01
CanavA.01: Created by Richa
Roleset id: Cana.01.06 , To get something deep fried through somebody
Cana.01.06: Causative
        Argc: The person who is the main causer
        Arga: The person who is the intermediary causer
        Arg1: The entity that gets deep fried
Example: Causative (To get something sieved/strained through somebody)
        माँ ने दीदी से भाँग छनवाई
        Argc: माँ ने (drel: pk1)
        Arga: दीदी से (drel: mk1)
        Arg1: भाँग (drel: k2)
        Rel: छनवाई
Predicate: CanavA.02
CanavA.02: Created by Richa
Roleset id: Cana.01.07 , To get something sieved/strained through somebody
Cana.01.07: Causative
        Argc: The person who is the main causer
        Arga: The person who is the intermediary causer
        Arg1: The entity that gets deep fried
        माँ ने दीदी से गरम-गरम पूड़ियाँ छनवाईं
Predicate: CAna.03
CAna.03: Created by Richa
Roleset id: Cana.01.08 , To search through / investigate
Cana.01.08: Monatransitive
        Arg0: The person who searches somebody/something
        Arg1: The entity that is searched for /investigated
Example: Monatransitive (To search through / investigate)
        पुलिस ने चोर को [छान] [मारा]
        Arg0: पुलिस ने (drel: k1)
        Arg1: चोर को (drel: k2)
        Rel: [छान] [मारा]