Predicate: BUla
BUla: created by Archna Bhatia
Roleset id: BUla.01 , to forget someone or something, blank out
BUla.01: Monotransitive- sense1_HindiWN
        Arg0: the one who forgets someone or something, the one who blanks out
        Arg1: the one who or which is forgotten
Example: Monotransitive- sense1_HindiWN- (to forget something, blank out)- Unaccusative (based on impossibility of the impersonal passive use)
        वह सब [भूल] [गया]
        Arg0: वह (drel: k1)
        Arg1: सब (drel: k2)
        Rel: [भूल] [गया]
Roleset id: BUla.02 , to forget and leave something at someplace
BUla.02: Monotransitive- sense2_HindiWN
        Arg0: the one who forgets and leaves something somewhere
        Arg1: the thing that is forgotten and left somewhere
        Arg2-loc: the place where something is forgotten and left
Example: Monotransitive- sense2_HindiWN- (to forget and leave something at someplace)- Unaccusative (based on impossibility of the impersonal passive use)
        आज मैं चाबी घर पर ही [भूल] [गई]
        Argm-tmp: आज (drel: k7t)
        Arg0: मैं (drel: k1)
        Arg1: चाबी (drel: k2)
        Arg2-loc: घर पर ही (drel: k7p)
        Rel: [भूल] [गई]
Predicate: BulA
BulA: created by Archna Bhatia
Roleset id: BUla.03 , to forget someone or something deliberately
BUla.03: Monotransitive- sense1
        Arg0: the one who forgets someone or something deliberately
        Arg1: the one who or which is forgotten
Example: Monotransitive- sense1 (to forget someone or something deliberately)
        मैंने उसको [भुला] [दिया]
        Arg0: मैंने (drel: k1)
        Arg1: उसको (drel: k2)
        Rel: [भुला] [दिया]
Predicate: BulavA
BulavA: created by Archna Bhatia
Roleset id: BUla.04 , to make someone forget someone or something
BUla.04: Causative- sense1
        Argc: the causer- the one who makes someone forget someone or something
        Arga: the agent- the one who forgets someone or something
        Arg1: the one that is forgotten
Example: Causative- sense1 (to make someone forget someone or something) example modified
        मौत का डर भी नहीं [भुलवा] [सका] मातृभाषा
        Argc: मौत का डर भी (drel: pk1)
        Argm-neg: नहीं
        Rel: [भुलवा] [सका]
        Arg1: मातृभाषा (drel: k2)