The same is true of all political parties.
        Arg1: the same
        Rel: true
        Arg2: of all political parties
        And that is certainly true with most of our supposed allies .
        Argm-dis: And
        Arg1: that
        Argm-adv: certainly
        Rel: true
        Arg2: with most of our supposed allies
Roleset id: true.02 , consistent, on target, adhering to, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
true.02: TRUE-J NOTES: Added by Julia. (from true.02-j)
true (j.)
        Arg1-PAG: consistent, on target thing
        Arg2-PPT: consistent with what, target
        The pitch was true, but oh so slow - requiring a good few more hours of sunshine to really bring the ball onto the bat.
        Arg1: the pitch
        Rel: true
        You can look for a long time before you find a saint's life rounded off with a happy ending, and Catherine's is true to form.
        Arg1: Catherine's
        Rel: true
        Arg2: to form
        The color was true to what it was said to be.
        Arg1: The color
        Rel: true
        Arg2: to what it was said to be