Predicate: triangulate

Roleset id: triangulate.01 , pinpoint a location using known points and/or distances, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

triangulate.01: TRIANGULATE-V NOTES: Added by Julia. TRIANGULATION-N NOTES: Added by Julia.


triangulate (v.)
triangulation (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: triangulator
        Arg1-PPT: location searched for
        Arg2-MNR: based on, known info

Example: triangulate-v

        The information was passed to Sector Operations, where skilled personnel triangulated the location using three readings

        Arg0: skilled personnel
        Rel: triangulated
        Arg1: the location
        Arg2: using three readings

Example: triangulation-n

        Triangulation of data combines data drawn from different sources and at different times, in different places or from different people.

        Rel: triangulation
        Arg1: of data

Roleset id: triangulate.02 , surveying technique: dividing a region into equilateral triangles, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

triangulate.02: TRIANGULATE-V NOTES: Added by Julia. TRIANGULATION-N NOTES: Added by Julia.


triangulate (v.)
triangulation (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: triangulator
        Arg1-PPT: region divided into triangles
        Arg2-VSP: triangle side length measurement
        Arg3-VSP: number of nodes

Example: triangulate-v

        Suppose we wish to triangulate the region using somewhere between 500 and 1000 nodes.

        Arg0: we
        Rel: triangulate
        Arg1: the region
        Arg2: using somewhere between 500 and 1000 nodes