Predicate: transmigrate

Roleset id: transmigrate.01 , move from one site to another, Source: , vncls: , framnet:


transmigrate (v.)
transmigration (n.)


        Arg0-PPT: entity in motion
        Arg1-PPT: path, barrier being crossed
        Arg2-GOL: destination

Example: example with destination

        However, neutrophils are of main importance, physiologically as well as pathologically, after they have left circulation and transmigrated to extravascular tissues.

        Arg0: neutrophils
        Rel: transmigrated
        Arg2: to extravascular tissues

Example: example with path

        Numerous neutrophils have transmigrated across the crypt epithelium (E) and have collected within the crypt lumen (L).

        Arg0: Numerous neutrophils
        Rel: have transmigrated
        Arg1: across the crypt epithelium (E)