Predicate: transcend
Roleset id: transcend.01 , go beyond (may be spiritual/mystical), Source: , vncls: , framnet:
transcend.01: TRANSCEND-V NOTES: Comparison with 'surpass'. Frame file created by Arrick. Member of Vncls exceed-90. (from transcend.01-v)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
transcend (v.) | | |
        Arg0-PPT: thing going beyond (vnrole: 90-Theme)
        Arg1-PPT: thing transcended (vnrole: 90-co-theme)
Example: semi-spiritual
        There is also a sense, as one worker at BEST says , of *PRO* transcending time and space, a feeling *0* only people who *T* 've been there can understand *T*.
        Arg0: *PRO*
        Rel: transcending
        Arg1: time and space
        Argm-adv: a feeling *0* only people who *T* 've been there can understand *T*
Example: non-spiritual
        As [Taiwan]-9 attempts [*]-9 to transcend May Forth, the mainland is eager * to return to it.
        Arg0: [*]-9
        Rel: transcend
        Arg1: May Forth
Example: no subject
        But rather than * stirring rage and tragic acts of revenge, [those sentiments]-9 have been transcended [*]-9, so that Green Island is now site of Asia's first monument to human rights.
        Rel: transcended
        Arg1: [*]-9
        Argm-prp: so that Green Island is now site of Asia's first monument to human rights.