Predicate: transactivate
Roleset id: transactivate.01 , stimulate the transcription of (a gene in a host cell) by binding to DNA, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
transactivate (v.) | | |
transactivation (n.) | | |
        For Bio-AMR annotations.
        Arg0-PAG: intentional agent of transactivation (e.g. scientist)
        Arg1-PPT: thing transactivated, gene
        Arg2-MNR: instrument, protein, transactivator
Example: example with agent
        When we transactivated an IE-Hoxd-4 TR gene, we found abnormalities in the neonatal skeleton similar to those induced by Hoxc-8 (Fig. 2D).
        Arg0: we
        Arg1: an IE-Hoxd-4 TR gene
Example: example with instrument
        Similarly, pHH-luc and pAH-luc (truncated MMTV variants containing the GRE region, both derived from a different strain of MMTV), were effectively transactivated with dexamethasone.
        Arg1: pHH-luc and pAH-luc (truncated MMTV variants containing the GRE region, both derived from a different strain of MMTV)
        Arg2: dexamethasone