Predicate: superior

Roleset id: superior.01 , superior, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

superior.01: SUPERIOR-J NOTES: (from superior.01-j)


superior (j.)
superiority (n.)
have_superiority (l.)


        Arg1-PPT: superior entity
        Arg2-VSP: superior to what/whom?
        Arg3-ADV: domain of superiority

Example: superior-j: a rather tenuous claim!, both arguments

        Ice cream is superior to frozen yogurt.

        Rel: superior
        Arg1: Ice cream
        Arg2: to frozen yogurt

Example: have_superiority-l

        We have air superiority in any theater on earth

        Arg1: we
        Argm-lvb: have
        Arg3: air
        Rel: superior
        Argm-loc: in any theater on earth