Predicate: stricture

Roleset id: stricture.01 , abnormally narrow, abnormal narrowing of a canal or duct in the body, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

stricture.01: STRICTURE-V NOTES: Based on Thyme and Sharp data. Comparison to strictureing.01 and constrict.01. Constrict.01 is a member of VN class other_cos-45.4. No FN class. Framed by Katie. (from stricture.01-v) STRICTURING-N NOTES: (from stricturing.01-n)


stricture (v.)
stricturing (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: causal agent
        Arg1-PPT: thing becomng narrower
        Arg2-EXT: extent, amount narrowed by
        Arg3-DIR: start point
        Arg4-GOL: end point

Example: Arg 2 rather than arg 4 because this tells the reach (ext) of the stricture but not where it releases its grip

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        [She-1] likely is strictured [*-1]for quite a ways beyond just the transverse colon.

        Argm-adv: likely
        Rel: strictured
        Arg1: [*-1]
        Arg2: for quite a ways beyond just the transverse colon.