Predicate: snort

Roleset id: snort.01 , emit a snorting sound, say snortingly, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

snort.01: SNORT-V NOTES: Member of VNcls nonverbal_expression-40.2. (from snort.01-v)


snort (v.)Make_noise Communication_noise


        Arg0-PAG: snorter (vnrole: 40.2-Agent)
        Arg1-PPT: snort itself, utterance (vnrole: 40.2-Theme)

Example: as 'speak'

        person: third,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        [``Big business,'']-1 Mr. Pawlowski snorts [*T*-1]in English.

        Arg0: Mr. Pawlowski
        Rel: snorts
        Arg1: [*T*-1]
        Argm-mnr: in English

Example: ARG1 and ARG0

        `` The carpetbaggers , '' snorts the narrator with a Texas twang , `` have packed their bags and went . ''

        Arg1: `` The carpetbaggers , '' snorts the narrator with a Texas twang , `` have packed their bags and went . ''
        Rel: snorts
        Arg0: the narrator
        Argm-mnr: with a Texas twang

Roleset id: snort.02 , ingest through the nose, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

snort.02: SNORT-V NOTES: No VNcls. (from snort.02-v)


snort (v.)Ingest_substance


        Arg0-PAG: snorter
        Arg1-PPT: substance ingested

Example: ARG0 and ARG1

        I snorted a taste and was shocked by how powerful it was.

        Arg0: I
        Rel: snorted
        Arg1: a taste