Predicate: sheathe

Roleset id: sheathe.01 , to put into a sheath, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

sheathe.01: SHEATHE-V NOTES: frame by Perryn. Member of Vncls pocket-9.10. (from sheathe.01-v)


sheathe (v.)Placing


        Arg0-PAG: sheather (vnrole: 9.10-Agent)
        Arg1-PPT: thing sheathed (vnrole: 9.10-Theme)
        Arg2-GOL: sheath, location (vnrole: 9.10-Destination)

Example: mideval weaponry

        The good knight sheathed his sword in its scabbard.

        Arg0: The good knight
        Rel: sheathed
        Arg1: his sword
        Arg2: in its scabbard