Predicate: rewire

Roleset id: rewire.01 , reconfigure something's wiring, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

rewire.01: REWIRE-V NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT. No VNcls. (from rewire.01-v)


rewire (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: agent of rewiring
        Arg1-PPT: thing getting rewired
        Arg2-PRD: end state, secondary predication on arg1

Example: ergative

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        How long are we supposed to wait to see if this woman s brain will ever rewire effectively before we move on ?

        Arg1: this woman's brain
        Argm-mod: will
        Argm-tmp: ever
        Rel: rewire
        Argm-mnr: effectively

Example: All args

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        You can also use your instinctive reward system *PRO* to rewire the brain to want to chase a new craving.

        Arg0: *PRO*
        Rel: rewire
        Arg1: the brain
        Arg2: to want to chase a new craving