Predicate: resecure

Roleset id: resecure.01 , obtain again, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

resecure.01: RESECURE-V NOTES: Added by Julia for EWT.


re-secure (v.)
resecure (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: Agent, securer
        Arg1-PPT: thing obtained
        Arg2-DIR: source, gained from
        Arg3-GOL: benefactive

Example: resecure-v

        My father re-secured the petroleum assets of Kuwait in 1991 at a cost of sixty - one billion U.S. dollars -LRB- $ 61,000,000,000 -RRB- .

        Arg0: My father
        Rel: re-secured
        Arg1: the petroleum assets of Kuwait
        Argm-tmp: in 1991
        Argm-adv: at a cost of sixty - one billion U.S. dollars -LRB- $ 61,000,000,000 -RRB-