Predicate: regret

Roleset id: regret.01 , regret, feel bad about, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

regret.01: REGRET-V NOTES: Frames file for 'regret' based on sentences in financial subcorpus andautomatic expansion via verbnet. (from regret.01-v predicate notes) REGRET-N NOTES: Based on sentences in nouns-00040. Comparison to regret.01-v. VN class admire-31.2-1. FN class experiencer_focus. Framed by Katie. (from regret.01-n) REGRETFUL-J NOTES: Automatically created by Julia as an alias file for unification. (from regretful.01-j)


regret (n.)experiencer_focus
regretful (j.)
regret (v.)


        Arg0-PPT: regreter (vnrole: 31.2-1-Experiencer)
        Arg1-CAU: thing regretted (vnrole: 31.2-1-Stimulus)

Example: regret an SBAR

        person: third,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        Allianz also suggested, without saying so directly, that it regrets that Paribas isn't bidding for all of Navigation Mixte's shares.

        Arg0: it
        Rel: regrets
        Arg1: that Paribas isn't bidding for all of Navigation Mixte's shares

Example: regret a VP

        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: perfect,  voice: active,  form: participle

        Mr. Price ``wanted to run the MTM business'' and may have regretted selling the company to TVS...

        Arg0: Mr. Price
        Argm-mod: may
        Rel: regretted
        Arg1: selling the company to TVS

Example: regret an NP

        person: third,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        The federation said Friday that it regrets the resignation.

        Arg0: it
        Rel: regrets
        Arg1: the resignation

Example: arg 0 only

        Sony hosted for a year while he was on a Luce Fellowship in Tokyo, to the regret of both parties

        Rel: regret
        Arg0: of both parties

Example: arg1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        Iraq's leaders have few regrets over the action that precipitated the Gulf War.

        Argm-adj: few
        Rel: regrets
        Arg1: over the action that precipitated the Gulf War

Predicate: regrettable

Roleset id: regrettable.02 , able/worthy to be reqretted, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

regrettable.02: REGRETTABLE-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT-4,5. (from regrettable.01-j) REGRETABLE-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT-4,5. (from regretable.01-j)


regrettable (j.)
regretable (j.)


        Arg0-PAG: regretter
        Arg1-PPT: regrettable

Example: arg1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        When actual innocent civilians do die it 's regretable , but we both know that they are n't the intended target .

        Argm-tmp: When actual innocent civilians do die
        Arg1: it
        Rel: regretable