Predicate: reemphasize
Roleset id: reemphasize.01 , emphasize again, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
reemphasize.01: REEMPHASIZE-V NOTES: Frames file for 're-emphasize' based on transformation of frames for 'emphasize.' (from reemphasize.01-v predicate notes)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
reemphasize (v.) | | |
re-emphasize (v.) | | |
        Arg0-PAG: emphasizer
        Arg1-PPT: utterance
        Arg2-GOL: hearer
Example: transitive
        The statement re-emphasized that holders representing 75% of the shares voting at a special shareholders' meeting must agree to lift the takeover restrictions.
        Arg0: The statement
        Rel: re-emphasized
        Arg1: holders representing 75% of the shares voting at a special shareholders' meeting must agree to lift the takeover restrictions
Example: with hearer
        Mary re-emphasized to John that he must never ever call her 'Snoogie-wookums' in public.
        Arg0: Mary
        Rel: re-emphasized
        Arg2: to John
        Arg1: he must never ever call her 'Snoogie-wookums' in public.