Predicate: pursue

Roleset id: pursue.01 , follow, chase, a quest; chase after; follow, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

pursue.01: PURSUE-V NOTES: Member of Vncls chase-51.6. (from pursue.01-v) PURSUIT-N NOTES: Based on sentences in nouns-00040. Comparison to pursue.01. VN class chase-51.6. FN classes cotheme and seeking_to_achieve. Framed by Katie. (from pursuit.01-n)


pursuit (n.)cotheme seeking_to_achieve
pursue (v.)Cotheme


        Arg0-PAG: thing following (vnrole: 51.6-Agent)
        Arg1-PPT: thing followed (vnrole: 51.6-Theme)

Example: typical transitive active

        As more managers pursue the index-arbitrage strategy, these small opportunities between markets will be reduced and, eventually, eliminated.

        Arg0: more managers
        Rel: pursue
        Arg1: the index-arbitrage strategy

Example: passivized

        Jaguar, [a U.K. luxury auto maker]-1 being pursued *trace*-1 by Ford Motor and General Motors, gained 10 pence [16 cents]a share to close at 879 pence [$13.90].

        Rel: pursued
        Arg1: *trace*-1
        Arg0: by Ford Motor and General Motors

Example: both args

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        His pursuit of good discipline

        Arg0: His
        Rel: pursuit
        Arg1: of good discipline

Example: another with both args

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        their pursuit of beauty

        Arg0: their
        Rel: pursuit
        Arg1: of beauty