Predicate: pull

Roleset id: pull.01 , (try to) cause motion, causing motion, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

pull.01: PULL-V NOTES: Comparison with push, Member of Vncls carry-11.4, get-13.5.1, hold-15.1-1, hurt-40.8.3-1-1, push-12-1, split-23.2. Updated by Julia, 10/2010. (from pull.01-v) PULLING-N NOTES: pull.01 (from pulling.01-n) PULL-N NOTES: Based on verb pull.01; Member of Vncls carry-11.4, get-13.5.1, hold-15.1-1, hurt-40.8.3-1-1, push-12-1, split-23.2. Updated by Julia, 10/2010. (from pull.01-n)


pull (n.)Cause_motion Manipulation Earnings_and_losses Experience_bodily_harm Ingest_substance Undressing Dressing
pull (v.)Cause_motion Manipulation Earnings_and_losses Experience_bodily_harm Ingest_substance Undressing Dressing
pulling (n.)


        No instances with args 2, 3 found, there for symmetry with verb entry. (from pull.01-n)
        Arg0-PAG: puller (vnrole: 11.4-agent, 40.8.3-1-1-experiencer, 13.5.1-agent, 15.1-1-agent, 12-1-agent, 23.2-agent)
        Arg1-PPT: thing pulled (vnrole: 11.4-theme, 40.8.3-1-1-patient, 13.5.1-theme, 15.1-1-theme, 12-1-theme, 23.2-patient, 23.2-patient)
        Arg2-DIR: DIR, destination or attribute of arg1 (vnrole: 11.4-initial_location, 11.4-destination, 23.2-co-patient)
        Arg3-EXT: EXT, distance moved

Example: DIR = in

        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: passive,  form: participle

        A Kellogg officer said [the Memphis project]-1 was ``pulled *trace*-1 in for a reconsideration of costs,'' an indication that the ambitious plans might be scaled back in any future construction.

        Rel: pulled
        Arg1: *trace*-1
        Arg2: in
        Argm-prp: for a reconsideration of costs
        Argm-adv: an indication that the ambitious plans might be scaled back in any future construction

Example: attribute = lower

        person: ns,  tense: past,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        Compaq Computer nose-dived $8.625 a share, to $100, and pulled other technology issues lower after reporting lower-than-expected earnings after the stock market closed Wednesday .

        Arg0: Compaq Computer
        Rel: pulled
        Arg1: other technology issues
        Arg2: lower
        Argm-tmp: after reporting lower-than-expected earnings after the stock market closed Wednesday

Example: attribute = together

        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: progressive,  voice: active,  form: participle

        But [Mr. Wolf]-1 faces a monumental task in *trace*-1 pulling the company back together again.

        Arg0: *trace*-1
        Rel: pulling
        Arg1: the company
        Arg2: back together
        Argm-tmp: again

Example: DIR = back, unstated thing moving

        person: third,  tense: present,  aspect: progressive,  voice: active,  form: participle

        Even Drexel is pulling back.

        Arg0: Even Drexel
        Rel: pulling
        Arg2: back

Example: with distance

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: progressive,  voice: active,  form: participle

        At the investment firm of Smith Barney, Harris Upham& Co., [the commodity-chemical segment]-1 is seen *trace*-1 pulling down overall profit for 20 companies representative of the whole industry by 8% to 10%.

        Arg0: *trace*-1
        Rel: pulling
        Arg2: down
        Arg1: overall profit for 20 companies representative of the whole industry
        Arg3: by 8% to 10%

Example: Arg0,1,2

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        A few days ago, I came out from changing the laundry to his pulling the baby monitor off the table and laughing.

        Arg0: his
        Rel: pulling
        Arg1: the baby monitor
        Arg2: off the table

Example: Arg 0 only

        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: passive,  form: participle

        Totally absorbed, the ringers stare straight ahead, using peripheral vision (they call it "rope-sight") to watch the other ropes and thus time their pulls.

        Arg0: their
        Rel: pulls

Example: Args 0 & 1

        person: ns,  tense: past,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        The new "resident" takes his place at the top waiting for his pull of the lever.

        Arg0: his
        Rel: pull
        Arg1: of the lever

Example: With direction

        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: progressive,  voice: active,  form: participle

        The adjustment to the front camber made the most difference in eliminating the pull to the left on my car.

        Rel: pull
        Argm-dir: to the left
        Arg1: on my car

Roleset id: pull.06 , various quasi-idiomatic usages, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

pull.06: PULL-V NOTES: Similarly "pull a prank", etc. No Vncls. Checked by Julia, 10/2010. (from pull.06-v)


pull (v.)Prevarication


        Arg0-PAG: puller
        Arg1-PPT: the plug, the wool, etc
        Arg2-VSP: the rest of the idiom

Example: ARG0 and ARG1 and ARG2

        Just when American liberalism had pulled the arms plug on the Contras and their friend Ronald Reagan , along comes Mr. Ortega in Costa Rica this weekend to `` blunder '' into the hands of what are often called conservatives .

        Argm-tmp: Just when
        Arg0: American liberalism
        Rel: pulled
        Arg1: the arms plug
        Arg2: on the Contras and their friend Ronald Reagan

Roleset id: pull.09 , remove from availability for consumption, Source: , vncls: , framnet:


pull (v.)
pulling (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: remover
        Arg1-PPT: thing removed
        Arg2-DIR: removed from

Example: pull-v

        The company pulled their ads from the controversial show.

        Arg0: The company
        Rel: pulled
        Arg1: their ads
        Arg2: from the controversial show

Example: pulling-n

        Also, I'm pretty sure their pulling the show off the air and making it an online exclusive caused them
        to make the shortsighted decision to cut the show's budget.

        Arg0: their
        Rel: pulling
        Arg1: the show
        Arg2: off the air

Predicate: pull_out

Roleset id: pull_out.02 , exit, leave, withdrawing, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

pull_out.02: PULL_OUT-V NOTES: Member of Vncls withdraw-82-1. Updated by Julia, 10/2010. (from pull.02-v) PULLING_OUT-N NOTES: pull.02 (from pulling.02-n)


pull_out (v.)Withdraw_from_participation
pulling_out (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: causal agent (vnrole: 82-1-agent)
        Arg1-PPT: entity leaving (vnrole: 82-1-agent)
        Arg2-DIR: place left (vnrole: 82-1-source)

Example: transitive

        person: ns,  tense: past,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: participle

        As a result, UAL's chairman, Stephen M. Wolf, pulled out of the buy-out effort to focus on running the company.

        Argm-adv: As a result
        Arg1: UAL's chairman, Stephen M. Wolf,
        Rel: [ pulled] [ out]
        Arg2: of the buy-out effort
        Argm-prp: to focus on running the company

Example: with causal agent

        person: ns,  tense: past,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        She and her husband pulled most of their investments out of the market after the 1987 crash, although she still owns some Texaco stock.

        Arg0: She and her husband
        Rel: [ pulled] [ out]
        Arg1: most of their investments
        Arg2: of the market
        Argm-tmp: after the 1987 crash
        Argm-adv: although she still owns some Texaco stock

Example: Arg1,2

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        I wonder if there is not some bigger reason for the candidate's sudden pulling out of the race.

        Arg1: the candidate's
        Argm-tmp: sudden
        Rel: pulling out
        Arg2: of the race

Predicate: pull_through

Roleset id: pull_through.04 , make it, survive, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

pull_through.04: PULL_THROUGH-V NOTES: No Vncls. Checked by Julia, 10/2010. (from pull.04-v) PULLING_THROUGH-N NOTES: pull.04 (from pulling.04-n)


pull_through (v.)
pulling_through (n.)


        The intransitive sounds much better than the transitive. (from pull.04-v)
        Arg0-PPT: survivor
        Arg1-VSP: adverse circumstances

Example: ARG0

        `` But he pulled through , and after the ambulance left , there were still six people in line waiting for a massage .

        Argm-dis: But
        Arg0: he
        Rel: [through][pulled]

Example: ARG0 and ARG1

        Though Mrs. Thatcher has pulled through other crises , supporters wonder if her steely , autocratic ways are the right formula today .

        Arg0: Mrs. Thatcher
        Rel: [through][pulled]
        Arg1: other crises

Example: Arg0

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        The doctors informed Dorothy that Johan had cancer and that there was only a slim chance of his pulling through.

        Arg0: his
        Rel: pulling through

Predicate: pull_off

Roleset id: pull_off.03 , manage to do despite, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

pull_off.03: PULL_OFF-V NOTES: No Vncls. Checked by Julia, 10/2010. (from pull.03-v) PULLING_OFF-N NOTES: pull.03 (from pulling.03-n)


pulling_off (n.)
pull_off (v.)Success_or_failure


        Arg0-PAG: manager
        Arg1-PPT: deed accomplished

Example: ARG0 and ARG1

        Was there any point at which you did n't think you would be able to pull it off ?

        Arg0: you
        Rel: [pull][off]
        Arg1: it

Example: Arg0,1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        But given the history and the forces of globalization, I wouldn't bet more than a single-shot latte against his pulling it off.

        Arg0: his
        Rel: pulling off
        Arg1: it

Predicate: pull_over

Roleset id: pull_over.05 , (cause to) move to the side, moving to the side (of the road, for example), Source: , vncls: , framnet:

pull_over.05: PULL_OVER-V NOTES: No Vncls. Checked by Julia, 10/2010. (from pull.05-v) PULLING_OVER-N NOTES: (from pulling.05-n)


pull_over (v.)
pulling_over (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: causal agent
        Arg1-PPT: thing moving, pulling over
        Arg2-GOL: destination

Example: ARG0 and ARG1 and ARG2

        Then he pulled Dad over to look at Qingqing 's drawer .

        Argm-tmp: Then
        Arg0: he
        Rel: pulled
        Arg1: Dad
        Arg2: over
        Argm-prp: to look at Qingqing 's drawer

Example: Arg0,1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        What about the suspect's pulling over two teenagers in his car that was set up to look like an unmarked police vehicle?

        Arg0: his
        Rel: pulling over
        Arg1: two teenagers
        Argm-loc: in his car that was set up to look like an unmarked police vehicle

Predicate: pull_up

Roleset id: pull_up.07 , similar to a chin-up, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

pull_up.07: PULL_UP-N NOTES: Added by Julia based on more-nouns. No corresponding VNcls. (from pull.02-n)


pull_up (n.)


        Watch out for LVCs "do a pull-up". (from pull.02-n)
        Arg0-PAG: excerciser
        Arg1-GOL: destination pulled up to

Example: LVC, from more-nouns

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        When they take their sons out for some exercise , they-1 do n't even have the strength *WHADVP*-2 *pro*-1 to do a single pull - up [*-2]!

        Arg0: *pro*-1
        Argm-lvb: do
        Argm-adj: single
        Rel: [pull] [up]
        Argm-mnr: [*-2] (= *WHADVP*-2)
        Argm-slc: *WHADVP*-2 -> [the strength]

Example: both args, LVC

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        My friend Larry and I discovered that the brick wall encircling Shea could be breached if one got a boost and did a pull-up to the top.

        Arg0: one
        Argm-lvb: did
        Rel: [pull] [up]
        Arg1: to the top

Predicate: pull_down

Roleset id: pull_down.08 , pull protein complexes out of a solution, Source: , vncls: , framnet:


pull-down (v.)
pull_down (v.)


        For Bio-AMR annotations.
        Arg0-PAG: intentional agent of pull-down (e.g. scientist)
        Arg1-PPT: thing pulled down, antigen (e.g. protein)
        Arg2-DIR: pulled down from, solution
        Arg3-MNR: instrument

Example: example with intentional agent

        We pulled down the protein complexes with glutathione-Sepharose and detected p53 by western blotting (Fig. 1d).

        Arg0: We
        Arg1: the protein complexes
        Arg3: with glutathione-Sepharose

Example: example with solution

        After extensive washing, cells were lysed, and the antibody-bound fraction of the protein was pulled down from the lysate with protein A-Sepharose.

        Arg1: the antibody-bound fraction of the protein
        Arg2: the lysate
        Arg3: protein A-Sepharose