Predicate: probation
Roleset id: probation.01 , a trial period, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
probation.01: PROBATION-N NOTES: Based on ontonotes nouns. No comparison. No VN or FN classes. Framed by Katie. (from probation.01-n)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
probation (n.) | | |
        Arg0-PAG: causer of probation period
        Arg1-PPT: thing on trial, entity probated
        Arg2-TMP: trial period
Example: 'as a lawyer' is arg 1 because he had to prove to be a good lawyer first
        He endured a twelve-month probation as a lawyer before partnership discussions could take place.
        Arg2: twelve-month
        Rel: probation
        Arg1: as a lawyer
Example: clearer arg 1
        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns
        probation of the will
        Rel: probation
        Arg1: of the will
Example: trial period to prove good behavior
        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns
        He is on probation for stealing a car
        Arg0: Her
        Rel: probation
        Argm-cau: for stealing a car