Predicate: premature

Roleset id: premature.01 , early, preceding, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

premature.01: PREMATURE-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT-4,5. (from premature.01-j)


premature (j.)Relative_time


        Arg1-PAG: entity that is early
        Arg2-PPT: preceding what

Example: arg1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        In this case it is the potential benefit and lack of any alternative treatment and the fact Alzheimer 's is such a devastating terminal disease that it outweighs the fact the research is premature .

        Arg1: the research
        Rel: premature

Example: both args

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        The ref was there and clearly determined that the kick was a result of his leg unintentionally hitting it due to the tackle (which-1 [*-1] was premature of the ball arriving - thus could have easily been called PI).

        Arg1: [*-1]
        Rel: premature
        Arg2: of the ball arriving