Predicate: panhandle

Roleset id: panhandle.01 , accost someone in order to beg, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

panhandle.01: PANHANDLE-V NOTES: Framed by Claire (from panhandle.01-v)


panhandle (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: begger, panhandler
        Arg1-PPT: person accosted
        Arg2-VSP: money, item panhandler is begging for from arg 1

Example: Ranting example

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        If someone close to you dies in one silly-ass war for the juice 0 *T*-1 to run your SUV, or you find yourself sitting in a homeless shelter, or standing on a streetcorner and panhandling for change from strangers who couldn't give two shits for you, because the fat slobs who run your company decided to outsource your job to people who will work twice as long and hard as you do for a tenth the pay, your credit rating is in negative numbers and your address is "No Fixed Address"...

        Arg0: yourself
        Rel: panhandling
        Arg2: for change
        Arg1: from strangers who couldn't give two shits for you
        Argm-cau: because the fat slobs who run your company decided to outsource your job...