Predicate: owe
Roleset id: owe.01 , payment outstanding, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
owe.01: OWE-V NOTES: Note that price and commodity have been reversed from 'pay' (from owe.01-v)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
owe (v.) | | |
        Arg0-PAG: payer or buyer (vnrole: 13.3-Agent)
        Arg1-PPT: price paid
        Arg2-GOL: seller or person being paid (vnrole: 13.3-Goal)
        Arg3-PPT: commodity (vnrole: 13.3-Theme)
Example: ditransitive
        They have since mellowed, although one senior Young& Rubicam executive said ``I think ad agencies owe Carl Spielvogel a vote of thanks for getting him out of the consulting business.''
        Arg0: ad agencies
        Rel: owe
        Arg2: Carl Spielvogel
        Arg1: a vote of thanks for getting him out of the consulting business
Example: prepositional arg2
        Columbia owes its spectacular growth in recent years to its junk-bond portfolio, the largest of any U.S. thrift.
        Arg0: Columbia
        Rel: owes
        Arg1: its spectacular growth in recent years
        Arg2: to its junk-bond portfolio, the largest of any U.S. thrift
Example: passivized price
        The buy-out group has begun billing UAL for fees and expenses *trace* it owes *trace* to investment bankers, law firms and banks.
        Arg1: *trace*
        ArgM-RCL: *trace* -> fees and expenses
        Arg0: it
        Rel: owes
        Arg2: to investment bankers, law firms and banks
Example: passivized 'seller'
        Under the plan, unsecured creditors, who *trace* are owed *trace* about $430 million, would receive about $92 million , or 21 cents for each dollar they are owed.
        Rel: owed
        Arg2: *trace* -> *trace* - > who - > unsecured creditors
        Arg1: about $ 430 million
Example: double passive
        Under the plan, unsecured creditors, who are owed about $430 million, would receive about $92 million, or 21 cents for each dollar *trace-1* they-2 are owed *trace-2* *trace-3*.
        Rel: owed
        Arg2: *trace-2*
        Arg1: *trace-3*
        ArgM-RCL: *trace-1* -> each dollar