Predicate: overtop

Roleset id: overtop.01 , surpass, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

overtop.01: OVERTOP-V NOTES: Added by Julia for EWT.


overtop (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: surpasser
        Arg1-PPT: surpassed

Example: overtop-v

        . . . and uneasy in its corporate expression , was overtopped *T* by the big face of Don Juste Lopez , soft and white , with prominent eyelids and wreathed in impenetrable solemnity as if in a dense cloud .

        Arg1: *T*
        Arg0: by the big face of Don Juste Lopez , soft and white , with prominent eyelids and wreathed in impenetrable solemnity as if in a dense cloud