Predicate: outpouching

Roleset id: outpouching.01 , forming into an outward pouch, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

outpouching.01: OUTPOUCHING-N NOTES: Relation to pouching.01. (from outpouching.01-n)


outpouching (n.)


        Arg1-PPT: Entity pouching outward

Example: outpouching-n

        A brain aneurysm is an abnormal outpouching of one of the arteries in the brain similar to a bad tire with the bulging of the side wall.

        Argm-mnr: abnormal
        Rel: outpouching
        Arg1: of one of the arteries in the brain
        Argm-adj: similar to a bad tire with the bulging of the side wall