Predicate: meander
Roleset id: meander.01 , move randomly, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
meander.01: MEANDER-V NOTES: Frames file for 'meander' based on sentences in wsj. Verbnet entries 51.3.2 and 47.7, Framenet entry Path shape and Self motion. (from meander.01-v predicate notes)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
meander (v.) | | |
        Arg0-PPT: entity in motion (vnrole: 47.7-Theme, 51.3.2-Theme)
        Arg1-LOC: path (vnrole: 47.7-Location, 51.3.2-Location)
Example: intransitive
        person: third,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full
        Mr. Schuman's ``Violin Concerto,'' which sounds more like a mildly atonal rhapsody for solo violin with orchestral accompaniment, meanders until the propulsive ``Agitato, fervente.''
        Arg0: Mr. Schuman's ``Violin Concerto,'' which sounds more like a mildly atonal rhapsody for solo violin with orchestral accompaniment,
        Rel: meanders
        ArgM-TMP: until the propulsive ``Agitato, fervente
Example: ARG0 and ARG1
        The area , covering 171 square kilometres , is mostly mountainous , with the Fushih Mountains to the north , the Ayu Mountains to the south , and the Peishih River meandering through it .
        Arg0: the Peishih River
        Rel: meandering
        Arg1: through it