Predicate: maroon

Roleset id: maroon.01 , abandon in a remote place, e.g. a desert island, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

maroon.01: MAROON-V NOTES: Added by Julia for Lorelei.


maroon (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: abandoner
        Arg1-PPT: entity abandoned
        Arg2-GOL: desert island

Example: alias-v

        As Mr. Starch seemed to be particularly averse to having his throat cut, we only marooned him on a small key off the bay of Cadenas, where he may have subsisted on a barrel of pork and a keg of molasses, which we left him, up to the present time, for aught I know to the contrary.

        Argm-cau: As Mr. Starch seemed to be particularly averse to having his throat cut
        Arg0: we
        Argm-adv: only
        Rel: marooned
        Arg1: him
        Arg2: on a small key off the bay of Cadenas, where he may have subsisted on a barrel of pork and a keg of molasses, which we left him, up to the present time, for aught I know to the contrary