Predicate: jet_off

Roleset id: jet_off.01 , move quickly, as in a jetplane, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

jet_off.01: JET_OFF-V NOTES: Based on WSJ sentences. VN class vehicle-51.4.1. No corresponding FN class. (from jet.01-v)


jet_off (v.)


        Arg1-PAG: entity in motion (vnrole: 51.4.1-Agent)
        Arg2-LOC: destination (vnrole: 51.4.1-Location)

Example: life in the jet set

        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        When it's time for their biannual powwow, the nation's manufacturing titans typically jet off to the sunny confines of resort towns like Boca Raton and Hot Springs.

        Argm-tmp: When it's time for their biannual powwow
        Arg1: the nation's manufacturing titans
        Argm-adv: typically
        Rel: [ jet] [ off]
        Arg2: to the sunny confines of resort towns like Boca Raton and Hot Springs