Predicate: hoax
Roleset id: hoax.01 , deceive, cause to believe a fabrication, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
hoax.01: HOAX-V NOTES:
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
hoax (v.) | | |
hoax (n.) | | |
hoaxing (n.) | | |
        Arg0-PAG: hoaxer
        Arg1-PPT: target, entity fooled
        Arg2-PRD: the ruse
        Arg3-VSP: subject-matter of the hoax
Example: hoax-v
        I only hoaxed him into supposing that you fancied him to be mad
        Arg0: I
        Argm-adv: only
        Rel: hoaxed
        Arg1: him
        Arg2: into supposing that you fancied him to be mad
Example: hoax-n
        Filmmaker S. G. Collins debunks the "moon hoax" theory in such clinical fashion, it's amazing.
        Arg3: moon
        Rel: hoax
Example: hoaxing-n
        one of the first things you and I ever spoke about regarding Bigfoot was Mr Bilby and his hoaxing
        Arg0: his
        Rel: hoaxing