Predicate: grind

Roleset id: grind.01 , make smaller, crush, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

grind.01: GRIND-V NOTES: Frames file for 'grind' based on sentences in the financial subcorpus. No comparison. (from grind.01-v predicate notes) GRINDING-N NOTES: Corresponds with grind.01. Framed by anwen april 2011 (from grinding.01-n)


grinding (n.)
grind (v.)Grinding


        Arg0-PAG: grinder (vnrole: 26.1-agent, 40.3.2-agent, 21.2-1-agent)
        Arg1-PPT: thing crushed (vnrole: 26.1-material, 40.3.2-patient, 21.2-1-patient)
        Arg2-PRD: end state (vnrole: 26.1-product)

Example: ARG1 and ARG2

        At left we see soft , flexible yarns spun from high - grade stainless steel ; below , chitin , which can be drawn into thread or ground into powder to make health food .

        Arg1: [chitin][which]
        Argm-mod: can
        Rel: ground
        Arg2: into powder
        Argm-prp: to make health food

Example: Arg0, Arg1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        Eric's grinding of his teeth caused him to develop a TMJ problem.

        Arg0: Eric's
        Rel: grinding
        Arg1: of his teeth

Roleset id: grind.03 , emit grinding sound, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

grind.03: GRIND-V NOTES: Frames file for 'grind' based on sentences in the financial subcorpus. No comparison. (from grind.03-v predicate notes)


grind (v.)


        Arg1-PPT: thing making sound

Example: holy shmoly

        person: third,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        ''She's being attacked by the demon,'' Mrs. Warren stagewhispers as the priest sprinkles holy water over the squirming woman, and the television camera grinds.

        Arg1: the television camera
        Rel: grinds

Roleset id: grind.04 , idiomatic: grind to a [stop|halt], Source: , vncls: , framnet:

grind.04: GRIND-V NOTES: Frames file for 'grind' based on sentences in the financial subcorpus. No comparison. (from grind.04-v predicate notes)


grind (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: causer of stopping
        Arg1-PPT: thing stopping
        Arg2-GOL: stop, halt, etc

Example: intransitive

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: gerund

        But despite mounting recession fears, government data don't yet show the economy grinding to a halt.

        Arg1: the economy
        Rel: grinding
        Arg2: to a halt

Roleset id: grind.05 , move with difficulty, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

grind.05: GRIND-V NOTES: Frames file for 'grind' based on sentences in the financial subcorpus. No comparison. (from grind.05-v predicate notes)


grind (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: mover
        Arg1-PPT: moved
        Arg2-GOL: destination

Example: mountain goats?

        person: third,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        Kay Peterson mounts her bicycle and grinds up yet another steep, rocky path seemingly suitable only for mountain goats.

        Arg1: Kay Peterson
        Rel: grinds
        Arg2: up yet another steep, rocky path seemingly suitable only for mountain goats

Predicate: grind_up

Roleset id: grind_up.02 , make smaller, crush, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

grind_up.02: GRIND_UP-V NOTES: Some of the verbs are misparsed: the parser identifies them as the past tenseform of 'grind' instead of the present tense of 'ground'. See the frames for'ground' in such cases. (from grind.02-v)


grind_up (v.)


        No VN class mapping for verb particle construction. (from grind.02-v)
        Arg0-PAG: agent
        Arg1-PPT: thing crushed
        Arg2-PRD: end state

Example: transitive

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: infinitive

        At worst, he adds, ``They-2'd have [*-2] to grind them all up and throw them away.''

        Arg0: [*-2]
        Rel: [ grind] [ up]
        Arg1: them all