Predicate: graze

Roleset id: graze.01 , (allow to) eat grass, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

graze.01: GRAZE-V NOTES: Can't deny that ArgA! (from graze.01-v)


graze (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: rancher
        Arg1-PPT: cow (vnrole: 39.5-Agent, 20-1-Experiencer)
        Arg2-GOL: grass, pasture (vnrole: 39.5-Patient, 20-1-Instrument)

Example: basic transitive

        person: ns,  tense: past,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        The Soviets' explanation is that the anthrax came from one lot of animal feed made from the bones of cattle that [*T*-1] grazed on soil that was naturally infected with anthrax spores.

        Arg1: [*T*-1]
        Rel: grazed
        Arg2: on soil that [*T*-2] was naturally infected with anthrax spores

Example: intransitive

        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        They graze at the Farmers Market, a combination gourmet food court and grocery store, while a pianist accompanies the noon fashion show with a selection of dreamy melodies.

        Arg1: They
        Rel: graze
        ArgM-LOC: at the Farmers Market, a combination gourmet food court and grocery store
        ArgM-TMP: while a pianist accompanies the noon fashion show with a selection of dreamy melodies

Example: ARG0 and ARG2

        Finally , I say : -LRB- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was established on the basis of the words of God , on the words of His messenger , and on the application of the religion of God and the Sunna of His messenger -LRB- may God bless him and grant him salvation -RRB- . This way of doing things will not change in spite of the liberals , so it is better for them to pursue al - Qusaybi , Khalid al - Harbi , and others whom purity and virtuousness do not suit , and who want to graze like cattle in every corrupt world . -RRB-

        Arg0: [who][others]
        Rel: graze
        Argm-mnr: like cattle
        Arg2: in every corrupt world