Predicate: flashflood

Roleset id: flashflood.01 , natural disaster: fast moving flood that comes all at once, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

flashflood.01: FLASHFLOOD-N NOTES: Added by Julia in a Natural Disaster roleset endeavor. Comparison to tsunami, wave-n.03. (from flashflood.01-n)


flashflood (n.)
flash-flood (n.)
flash_flood (n.)


        The "VSP" function tags on 'death/injury toll' and 'damages/cost' correspond to the RED cause relation.
        Arg1-PPT: (body of) water
        Arg2-EXT: height of the flood
        Arg3-VSP: death/injury toll
        Arg4-VSP: damages/cost
        Arg5-VSP: run-up (height above normal reached by the water)

Example: flash_flood-n: concatenation and relemmatization, arg2

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        we are forecasting a 1 to 2 foot flash flood reaching lees ferry around 6 to 8 AM MST.

        Arg2: 1 to 2 foot
        Rel: [flash][flood]

Example: flashflood-n: arg1, single token

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        The mother of a missing three-year-old girl in the Guindaruhan river flashflood was still hopeful she could still see her daughter alive.

        Arg1: Guindaruhan river
        Rel: flashflood

Example: flash_flood-n: arg3

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        France flash flood (which happened on the same day as our Orchard Road flash flood, with a death toll of 25 reported and counting).

        Argm-adj: our
        Argm-loc: Orchard Road
        Rel: [flash][flood]
        Arg3: with a death toll of 25 reported and counting