Predicate: extol

Roleset id: extol.01 , laud, praise, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

extol.01: EXTOL-V NOTES: Frame by Claire (from extol.01-v)


extol (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: agent, honorer (vnrole: 33-agent)
        Arg1-PPT: entity extolled (vnrole: 33-theme)
        Arg2-PRD: for what,as what

Example: With Manner

        Today, we-9 gather here *-9 to extol the glory and joy of democracy with songs of the land and the voice of the people.

        Arg0: *-9 -- we
        Rel: extol
        Arg1: the glory and joy of democracy
        Argm-mnr: with songs of the land and the voice ofthe people

Example: All Arguments, extolled as

        During the ceremony, [President Chen]-1 read out the eight vows, drafted * by Bo Yangfor, his "Human Rights Marriage Certificate," *-1 extolling mutual respect for human rights as the foundation of social stability.

        Arg0: *-1 -- President Chen
        Rel: extolling
        Arg1: mutual respect for human rights
        Arg2: as the foundation of social stability