express.01: EXPRESS-V NOTES: Based on financial subcorpus. Comparison with 'say'. Member of reflexive_appearance-48.1.2. (from express.01-v) EXPRESSION-N NOTES: Based on sentences in nouns-00040. Comparison to express.01. VN class reflexive_appearance-48.1.2. FN classes expressing_publicly and encoding. Framed by Katie. (from expression.01-n)
        Mr. Harper expressed confidence that he and Mr. Baum can convince the board of their worthiness to run the company.
        Arg0: Mr. Harper
        Rel: expressed
        Arg1: confidence that he and Mr. Baum can convince the board of their worthiness to run the company
Example: Arg 0 in a pp
        It had "expressions of interest of a transaction from both the borrowers and the banks," but didn't have an agreement
        Rel: expressions
        Arg1: of interest of a transaction
        Arg0: from both the borrowers and the banks
Example: Yes, this could be either arg 0 or arg 1, but the higher arg is going to trump the lower one.
        a "self-expression"
        John expressed his Christmas list to the North Pole.
        Arg0: John
        Rel: expressed
        Arg1: his Christmas list
        Arg2: to the North Pole
Roleset id: express.03 , biological expression (usually of a gene), Source: , vncls: , framnet:
express.03: Based on AMR bio-medical annotation. Framed by Ulf and Katie. No VN class. This is a narrow sense. Both the noun and verb are consistent with FN class encoding but the class is too braod for this sense to function in all required situations.
        The glucose-6 phosphatase gene is expressed in the human and rat small intestine.
        Arg1: The gluose-6 phosphatese gene
        Rel: expressed
        Arg3: in the human and rat small instestine.
Example: The gene causing the protein to be produced isn't explicitly mentioned here is implicitly understood
        The steroid receptor RNA activator protein is expressed in breast tumor tissues
        Arg2: The steroid receptor RNA activator protein
        Rel: expressed
        Arg3: in breast tumor tissues.
Example: this frame can be used for more other biological expression