Predicate: erupt

Roleset id: erupt.01 , (cause to) spew forth, spewing forth, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

erupt.01: ERUPT-V NOTES: Frames file for 'erupt' based on sentences in wsj and automaticexpansion via verbnet. (from erupt.01-v predicate notes) ERUPTION-N NOTES: erupt.01 (from eruption.01-n)


eruption (n.)
erupt (v.)


        Arg1-PAG: thing erupting (vnrole: 48.1.1-Theme)
        Arg2-PPT: substance spewing forth

Example: erupt-v: straight unaccusative

        person: ns,  tense: past,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        On so-called Manic Monday, Oct. 16, stock prices plunged across Europe and trading problems erupted.

        Argm-tmp: On so-called Manic Monday, Oct. 16,
        Arg1: trading problems
        Rel: erupted

Example: erupt-v: misplaced modifier

        person: third,  tense: present,  aspect: perfect,  voice: active,  form: participle

        A bitter conflict with global implications has erupted between Nomura Securities Co. and Industrial Bank of Japan, two of the world's most powerful financial companies.

        Arg1: A bitter conflict with global implications
        Rel: erupted
        Argm-loc: between Nomura Securities Co. and Industrial Bank of Japan, two of the world's most powerful financial companies

Example: erupt-v: with substance

        person: ns,  tense: past,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        The Senate's public gallery was packed with Judge Hastings' supporters, who *trace* erupted into applause after he finished his argument.

        Arg1: *trace*
        Argm-rcl: who -> Judge Hastings' supporters
        Rel: erupted
        Arg2: into applause
        Argm-tmp: after he finished his argument

Example: eruption-n: Arg1

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        The eruption of Krakatoa began in May 1883 and culminated with the destruction of Krakatoa on 27 August 1883.

        Rel: eruption
        Arg1: of Krakatoa

Roleset id: erupt.02 , mode of speaking, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

erupt.02: ERUPT-V NOTES: Frames file for 'erupt' based on sentences in wsj and automaticexpansion via verbnet. (from erupt.02-v predicate notes)


erupt (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: speaker
        Arg1-PPT: utterance
        Arg2-GOL: hearer

Example: erupt-v: blow your top

        person: third,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        And Mancuso himself is investigating at the top of his lungs: [``How the hell can you live with yourself?'']-1 he erupts *trace*-1 at a politician.

        Arg0: he
        Rel: erupts
        Arg1: *trace*
        Arg2: at a politician