Predicate: end
Roleset id: end.01 , cause to stop, coming to a close, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
end.01: END-V NOTES: VN updated by Julia. Member of Vncls stop-55.4-1. (from end.01-v) END-N NOTES: Updated by Julia. Member of Vncls stop-55.4-1. (from end.01-n) ENDING-N NOTES: Added by Julia based on BOLT-5, end-v.01. Correspond to Vncls stop-55.4-1. (from ending.01-n)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
end (v.) | Cause_to_end Process_end | |
end (n.) | Cause_to_end Process_end | |
ending (n.) | | |
        No examples found with agents or instruments-- they seem slightly awkward, but I'm not ruling out their possibility. Most instances contain only arg1, and occasionally MNR. (from end.01-n)
        Arg0-PAG: Agent/cause of ending (vnrole: 55.4-1-agent)
        Arg1-PPT: Thing ending (vnrole: 55.4-1-theme)
        Arg2-MNR: Explicit instrument, thing ended with, end portion (vnrole: 55.4-1-instrument)
        Argm-TMP: point at which something ends
Example: nominal arg1
        [The courts]-1 want *trace*-1 to end rigid affirmative action programs.
        Arg0: *trace*
        Rel: to end
        Arg1: rigid affirmative action programs
Example: accusative, arg1 NP
        Such a countermove could end Jaguar's hopes for independence.
        Arg0: Such a countermove
        Rel: end
        Arg1: Jaguar's hopes for independence
Example: ergative
        The huge bronze bells...end, surprisingly, in the inverted position.
        Arg1: [The huge bronze bells...][in the inverted position]
        Rel: end
        Argm-dis: surprisingly
Example: with instrumental
        The movie ends with sound.
        Arg1: The movie
        Rel: ends
        Arg2: with sound
Example: different kind of instrument
        The first two GAF trials ended in mistrials earlier this year.
        Arg1: The first two GAF trials
        Rel: ended
        Arg2: in mistrials
        Argm-tmp: earlier this year
Example: a weird usage the week ended Tuesday.
        Arg1: the week
        Rel: ended
        Argm-tmp: Tuesday
Example: autogen1
        By Richterian standards , the show that the Oakland Athletics puton Friday and Saturday nights , in putting a mercifully swift endto the game 's Longest Short Series , rated somewhere between a10 and an 11 .
        Argm-mnr: swift
        Rel: end
        Arg1: to the game 's Longest Short Series
Example: autogen2
        he awaits his end in a prison cell
        Arg1: his
        Rel: end
Example: temporal end
        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns
        the end of the year
        Rel: end
        Arg1: of the year
Example: all args
        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns
        What I favor about Crichton's style is his ending the novel with a bibliography and a chapter with some ideas on correcting the issues he presented in the book.
        Arg0: his
        Rel: ending
        Arg1: the novel
        Arg2: witha
Example: result
        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns
        This will end in tears.
        Arg1: This
        Argm-mod: will
        Rel: end
        Arg2: in tears
Roleset id: end.02 , terminate, esp stocks, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
end.02: END-V NOTES: Frames file for 'end' based on survey of initial 100 or so sentences from big corpus. (from end.02-v predicate notes)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
end (v.) | | |
        Arg1-PPT: thing closing
        Arg2-EXT: EXT, amount-changed-by
        Arg3-DIR: start point
        Arg4-PRD: end point
Example: damn stock reports
        Gilts ended about 3/8 point lower.
        Arg1: Gilts
        Rel: ended
        Arg2: about 3/8 point lower
Example: with manner in Frankfurt ended higher.
        Arg1: in Frankfurt
        Rel: ended
        Argm-mnr: higher
Example: two senses at once?
        person: ns,  tense: past,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full
        Japan's No. 111 4.6% bond due 1998 ended the day on brokers' screens at 95.11 [*-1] to yield 5.43%.
        Arg1: Japan's No. 111 4.6% bond due 1998
        Rel: ended
        Argm-tmp: the day
        Argm-loc: on brokers' screens
        Arg4: at 95.11
        Argm-adv: [*-1] to yield 5.43%
Predicate: end_up
Roleset id: end_up.03 , become, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
end_up.03: END_UP-V NOTES: (from end.03-v)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
end_up (v.) | Becoming | |
        Arg1-PPT: entity changing
        Arg2-PRD: new state
Example: cash surplus
        Sea Containers would end up with a cash surplus of approx. $620 million.
        Arg1: Sea Containers
        Argm-mod: would
        Rel: end up
        Arg2: with a cash surplus of approx. $620 million
Example: data
        That data could end up in the hands of prosecutors
        Arg1: That data
        Argm-mod: could
        Rel: end up
        Arg2: in the hands of prosecutors
Example: false prediction
        Time Warner and Sony Corp could end up becoming partners.
        Arg1: Time Warner and Sony Corp
        Argm-mod: could
        Rel: end up
        Arg2: becoming partners
Predicate: rear_end
Roleset id: rear_end.04 , hit the back of a car, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
rear_end.04: REAR_END-V NOTES: Based on Thyme and Sharp data. Comparison to hit.01. Framed by Katie. (from end.04-v)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
rear_end (v.) | | |
        Arg0-PAG: agent, hitter
        Arg1-PPT: thing hit
        Arg2-MNR: instrument, hit by, car
Example: metonymic example
        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns
        I read-ended him with my dad's Beamer.
        Arg0: I
        Rel: rear
        Rel: ended
        Arg1: him
        Arg2: with my dad's Beamer.