Predicate: embellish
Roleset id: embellish.01 , decorate, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
embellish.01: EMBELLISH-V NOTES: Frames file for 'embellish' based on sentences in wsj. Verbnet entries 9.8 and 25.3. (from embellish.01-v predicate notes)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
embellish (v.) | | |
        Arg0-PAG: decorator, agent (vnrole: 9.8-Agent, 25.3-Agent)
        Arg1-GOL: thing decorated, embellished (vnrole: 9.8-Destination, 25.3-Destination)
        Arg2-PPT: with what (vnrole: 9.8-Theme, 25.3-Theme)
Example: all args
        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full
        At times, salesmen may embellish the inside information with ``the notion that this is some slightly shady, slightly illegal investment the person is being included in,'' says Mr. Cunningham.
        ArgM-TMP: At times
        Arg0: salesmen
        ArgM-MOD: may
        Rel: embellish
        Arg1: the inside information
        Arg2: with the notion that this is some slightly shady, slightly illegal investment the person is being included in
Example: ARG0 and ARG1 and ARG2
        At times , salesmen may embellish the inside information with `` the notion that this is some slightly shady , slightly illegal investment the person is being included in , '' says Mr. Cunningham .
        Argm-tmp: At times
        Arg0: salesmen
        Argm-mod: may
        Rel: embellish
        Arg1: the inside information
        Arg2: with `` the notion that this is some slightly shady , slightly illegal investment the person is being included in