Predicate: dismiss

Roleset id: dismiss.01 , remove, release, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

dismiss.01: DISMISS-V NOTES: Member of Vncls remove-10.1, fire-10.10. (from dismiss.01-v)


dismiss (v.)Firing


        Arg0-PAG: entity removing (vnrole: 10.1-agent, 10.10-agent)
        Arg1-PPT: thing being removed (vnrole: 10.1-theme, 10.10-theme)
        Arg2-DIR: removed from, former position (vnrole: 10.1-source, 10.10-source)

Example: passive, one arg

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: passive,  form: participle

        He maintains that the information from the FBI will help him get his 1968 conviction vacated and [his bail-jumping indictment]-1 dismissed *trace*-1.

        Rel: dismissed
        Arg1: *trace*-1

Example: active, two args

        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        The naming of FCB/Leber Katz Partners as agency of record for Nabisco Brands Inc. and Planters LifeSavers Co. follows RJR Nabisco's announcement last week that it will disband its RJR Nabisco Broadcast division and dismiss its 14 employees Dec. 1. to cut costs.

        Arg0: it
        Argm-mod: will
        Rel: dismiss
        Arg1: its 14 employees
        Argm-tmp: Dec. 1.
        Argm-prp: to cut costs

Example: all args

        [Mr. Ackerman]-1 already is seeking *trace*-1 to dismiss Mr. Edelman as chairman of Datapoint Corp., an Intelogic affiliate.

        Arg0: *trace*-1
        Rel: dismiss
        Arg1: Mr. Edelman
        Arg2: as chairman of Datapoint Corp., an Intelogic affiliate

Roleset id: dismiss.02 , label contemptuously, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

dismiss.02: DISMISS-V NOTES: No VNcls. (from dismiss.02-v)


dismiss (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: labeller
        Arg1-PPT: labelled
        Arg2-PRD: labelled as

Example: all args

        person: third,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: active,  form: full

        Jonathan H. Kress, the son of the painting's former owner, Mrs. Rush Kress, dismisses the price talk as ``sour grapes.''

        Arg0: Jonathan H. Kress, the son of the painting's former owner, Mrs. Rush Kress,
        Rel: dismisses
        Arg1: the price talk
        Arg2: as ``sour grapes

Example: passive

        person: ns,  tense: present,  aspect: ns,  voice: passive,  form: participle

        [Both palmtops]-1 are dismissed *trace*-1 by notebook makers, who argue that they're too small -- a problem Poquet also encountered in focus groups, admits Gerry Purdy, director of marketing.

        Rel: dismissed
        Arg1: *trace*-1
        Arg0: by notebook makers, who argue that they're too small -- a problem Poquet also encountered in focus groups, admits Gerry Purdy, director of marketing