Predicate: demethylate

Roleset id: demethylate.01 , remove a methyl group from a chemical compound, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

demethylate.01: DEMETHYLATE-V NOTES: Created for Bio-AMR annotations.


demethylate (v.)
demethylation (n.)


        Arg0-PAG: agent of demethylation (e.g. scientist)
        Arg1-PPT: thing demethylated
        Arg2-MNR: instrument
        Arg3-PRD: product of demethylation

Example: demethylate-v: active use, with product of the reaction

        It demethylates veratric acid to a mixture of vanillic and isovanillic acids.

        Arg2: It
        Rel: demethylates
        Arg1: veratric acid
        Arg3: to a mixture of vanillic and isovanillic acids.

Example: demethylate-v: example with agent and instrument

        To test our second hypothesis, we demethylated melanoma cells lines with 5-aza-2�-deoxycytidine and measured the miRNA-137 expression by qRT-PCR.

        Argm-prp: To test our second hypothesis
        Arg0: we
        Rel: demethylated
        Arg1: melanoma cells lines
        Arg2: with 5-aza-2�-deoxycytidine

Example: demethylation-n

        Active and Passive Demethylation of Male and Female Pronuclear DNA in the Mammalian Zygote.

        Argm-mnr: Active and Passive
        Rel: Demethylation
        Arg1: of Male and Female Pronuclear DNA
        Argm-loc: in the Mammalian Zygote