Predicate: cuckold

Roleset id: cuckold.01 , an unfaithful wife who thereby makes a cuckold of her husband, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

cuckold.01: CUCKOLD-V NOTES: Frames file for 'cuckold' based on Verbnet entry 29.7. (from cuckold.01-v predicate notes)


cuckold (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: unfaithful wife, agent (vnrole: 29.7-Agent)
        Arg1-PPT: husband (vnrole: 29.7-Theme)

Example: basic

        Our studies, showing that stored sperm results in late-season males being cuckolded by a female's early season mate, indicate that such storage may play a more important role in shorebird natural history than previously imagined.

        Arg1: late-season males
        Rel: cuckolded
        Arg0: by a female's early season mate