Predicate: complex
Roleset id: complex.01 , complicated, Source: , vncls: , framnet:
complex.01: COMPLEX-J NOTES: Added by Julia based on WSJ data. (from complex.01-j)
Alias | FrameNet | VerbNet |
complex (j.) | System_complexity | |
        Arg1-PAG: thing that is complicated
Example: with ADV
        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns
        The interactions between health and homelessness are complex , defying sweeping generalizations as to `` cause '' or `` effect . ''
        Arg1: The interactions between health and homelessness
        Rel: complex
        Argm-adv: defying sweeping generalizations as to `` cause '' or `` effect . ''