Predicate: cavort

Roleset id: cavort.01 , cavort, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

cavort.01: CAVORT-V NOTES: hand-checked by Kevin (from cavort.01-v)


cavort (v.)


        Arg1-PPT: entity moving, cavorter (vnrole: 51.3.2-theme)
        Arg2-DIR: start point
        Arg3-GOL: end point
        Arg4-DIR: location, path (vnrole: 51.3.2-location)

Example: cavort-v: from Google

        In between sessions, we cavorted in the pool.

        Argm-tmp: In between sessions
        Arg1: we
        Rel: cavorted
        Arg4: in the pool

Example: cavort-v

        When the race was over, the last runner cavorted from the field shouting gleefully, ''I came in sixth! I came in sixth!''

        Argm-tmp: When the race was over
        Arg1: the last runner
        Rel: cavorted
        Arg2: from the field
        Argm-adv: shouting gleefully, ''I came in sixth! I came in sixth!''