Predicate: bolster

Roleset id: bolster.01 , cause a (small) increase in, strengthen, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

bolster.01: BOLSTER-V NOTES: This verb might also show start and end points like 'rise' etc, but Idoubt it. If they do appear, refer to 'rise' for proper arg numbering. (from bolster.01-v)


bolster (v.)


        Arg0-PAG: causer, agent
        Arg1-PPT: thing increasing or strengthened
        Arg2-EXT: amount increased, EXT

Example: transitive active

        In addition to those measures, the company spent heavily earlier this year to install displays at its customers' retail outlets -- [a strategy]-1 that Mr. Stein said *trace* has helped *trace*-1 bolster awareness of the company's brands.

        Arg0: *trace*-1
        Rel: bolster
        Arg1: awareness of the company's brands

Example: transitive passive

        [London share prices]-2 were bolstered *trace*-2 largely by continued gains on Wall Street and technical factors affecting demand for London's blue-chip stocks.

        Rel: bolstered
        Arg1: *trace*-2
        Arg0: by continued gains on Wall Street and technical factors affecting demand for London's blue-chip stocks

Example: with quantification

        The company also said the transaction would bolster after-tax earnings by $3.25 a share when completed.

        Arg0: the transaction
        Argm-mod: would
        Rel: bolster
        Arg1: after-tax earnings
        Arg2-ext: by $3.25 a share
        Argm-tmp: when completed