Predicate: backburn

Roleset id: backburn.01 , light a controled fire in the path of a wild fire to gain control, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

backburn.01: BACKBURN-V, BACKBURN-N NOTES: Added by Julia for Lorelei.


backburn (v.)
back-burn (v.)
back_burn (v.)
backburn (n.)
back-burn (n.)
back_burn (n.)
backburning (n.)
back-burning (n.)
back_burning (n.)
do_backburn (l.)
do_backburning (l.)


        Arg0-PAG: firemen
        Arg1-VSP: fire
        Arg2-PPT: fuel being burned back

Example: backburn-v

        [Fire crews]-1 are continuing *PRO*-1 to backburn at The Cape, near Charters Towers, and expect to have that fire contained by this afternoon.

        Arg0: *PRO*-1
        Rel: backburn
        Argm-loc: at The Cape, near Charters Towers

Example: backburn-v

        Wtihin minutes there were 3-4 helicopters doing bucket work and the fire team backburned the fire into itself that night.

        Arg0: the fire team
        Rel: backburned
        Arg1: the fire
        Argm-gol: into itself

Example: backburn-v

        Crews backburned the forest there earlier in the week to try to remove fuels and stop the fire's progress.

        Arg0: Crews
        Rel: backburned
        Arg2: the forest
        Argm-loc: there
        Argm-tmp: earlier in the week
        Argm-prp: to try to remove fuels and stop the fire's progress

Example: do_backburn-l

        'Simmo, I want you to go to the intersection near the houses and do a backburn to clear the east side of the road.

        Arg0: you
        Argm-lvb: do
        Rel: backburn
        Argm-prp: to clear the east side of the road

Example: back-burn-n

        Had it not been for the back-burning along the Jamieson Track ...

        Rel: back-burning
        Argm-loc: along the Jamieson Track