Predicate: attempt

Roleset id: attempt.01 , try, Source: , vncls: , framnet:

attempt.01: ATTEMPT-V NOTES: Member of Vncls try-61. Comparison with 'try'. (from attempt.01-v) ATTEMPT-N NOTES: Based on sentences in nouns-9998. Comparison to attempt.01-v. VN class try-61. FN class attempt. Framed by Katie. (from attempt.01-n)


attempt (n.)attempt
attempt (v.)Attempt
make_attempt (l.)


        Arg2 'benefactive' might appear. (from attempt.01-v)
        Arg0-PAG: Agent/Entity Trying (vnrole: 61-Agent)
        Arg1-PPT: thing tried (vnrole: 61-Theme, 61-Theme)

Example: sentential attempt

        Mr. Nichol said he was ``extremely disappointed in the continuing deterioration of the company's operations while it attempted to conclude the reorganization during the past four months.''

        Arg0: it
        Rel: attempted
        Arg1: to conclude the reorganization during the past four months

Example: nominal attempt

        Investment bankers following UAL agree that the strongest impetus for an eventual deal is that the pilots have been attempting a buy-out for more than two years, and aren't likely to stop, having come so close to success.

        Arg0: the pilots
        Rel: attempting
        Arg1: a buy-out
        Argm-tmp: for more than two years

Example: both args

        a management buy-out attempt

        Arg0: management
        Arg1: buy-out
        Rel: attempt

Example: autogen2

        an attempt to speed deficit-reduction through Congress

        Rel: attempt
        Arg1: to speed deficit-reduction through Congress

Example: One more with both args

        person: ns,  tense: ns,  aspect: ns,  voice: ns,  form: ns

        Congress' attempt to deny the president the funding necessary to execute certain of his duties and prerogatives specified in Article II of the Constitution.

        Arg0: Congress'
        Rel: attempt
        Arg1: to deny the president the funding necessary to execute certain of his duties and prerogatives specified in Article II of the Constitution.